Spanish Immersion

Volunteering work

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Global Education

Along with the Spanish classes, different types of volunteering will be offered, for those who, apart from learning the language, want to immerse themselves in local projects carried out with families in the area. These volunteers and projects would benefit Quetzaltenango and its communities.

We welcome individuals and groups of any size to work as volunteers in Xecanchavox, a rural community near to Xela. Since 2009 volunteers have participated in a variety of programs at the primary school in Xecanchavox and have made a significant contribution for the development of the community. Our volunteer programs are mostly concentrated in education so that they support and enrich the education offered by the local school.  

As a volunteer in the Program of Global Education you are creating a possibility for the children of Xecanchavox to get intercultural experiences and learn a more global perspective on the world.

Within this program we want to emphasize multicultural learning and cultural exchange. During the program children learn to understand cultural diversity and different ways of life. The children are inspired to explore the world around them in ways which are available in their own lives.

In this program volunteers organize workshops for children at the local school, individually or together with other volunteers. They present their home country, culture and language. This is a perfect way to challenge yourself to communicate in Spanish! We welcome both short-term and longer-term volunteers to participate in this program.

As we wish to create an interactive learning atmosphere between the volunteers and the children of the school, the workshops will include activities, such as games, sports or arts.

At the moment the Global Education Program is organized at the school  Xecanchavox every Tuesday from 9am to 1pm!

Volunteers may also create workshops of different themes, depending on their educational or professional background. All in all global education workshops may also deal with teaching global issues such as sustainability, human rights or social responsibility.

Teach English

As a volunteer in teaching English you will get the chance to plan and organise classes for children at the primary and secondary schools. 

You will teach basic English and help the students to improve their comprehension and conversational skills as well as their pronunciation in English. Depending on the students’ age group, their interests and level of English you might also include literature or cultural education to the classes.

Volunteers will also be able to provide theoretical and practical assistance and aide the teachers as they interact with the students.

At the moment the English Program is organised at the school of Xecanchavox every Wednesday from 8am to 1pm! 

Dental Clinics

Dental clinics for the children of Xecanchavox are held bi-annually. Span Immersion partners with Universidad Mariano Galvez to teach students about dental hygiene, provide clean teeth and preform extractions when necessary.

Volunteers with this program have the opportunity to lead games and activities for children to teach them how to get their teeth clean properly, also assisting Mariano Galvez dental students with cleanings and extractions (bringing supplies, holding lights, helping with recovery, etc), or to participate in fundraising efforts with Span Immersion.


Classes taught by native language teachers

open admissions

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